Tuesday, 12 March 2013

New Facebook Timeline...Again?!

-I'm sure that's how we are all feeling.

- Facebook's new design.

Facebook is constantly changing and redesigning the layout of it's page and timeline- now this is a real game changer (*cough eat your heart out Dominos Pizza NZ): different newsfeeds that is customised to your interests and larger real estate for pictures and updates.

- Consistent feel between the two platforms.

For example, the right side of the page allows you to select different categorised newsfeed. If you are only interested in what your friends are saying, then you can select that category and don't have to really worry about anything else. So what does this mean? GREAT NEWS for all the grumps who dislike seeing "spam" and "advertising", as they can now selectively choose what they want to read and from whom. BAD NEWS is for marketers. "Now how are we going to reach more people so they can like our page?"- We've relied quite heavily on Facebook's advertising features to reach out to different demographics. The current Facebook design features one newsfeed which does get clogged up with sponsored stories and advertisement (which unfortunately does not appeal to parts of the demographic). I personally don't mind advertisement/sponsored stories because it's another way to discover things (coming from an online shopaholic). The redesign was kept in mind to deliver a consistent platform between mobile and desktop versions.

- Mark Zuckerberg delivering the new features.

Marketers- this is not the end when you see a drop in engagement/likes etc. I see it as "quality control"- sentiment will rise rest assure. You will only have fans that actively like your brand and the possibility of "trolls" or non-fans making nasty comments will drop. Ever since Facebook took away the "fan gate" ability to comment on brand pages, anyone could comment without being a fan. This meant your page was open to all sorts of spam and complaints which defeats the whole purpose of a "Fan page". Now with the redesign, the engagement you will receive will be purely from Fans who are actively seeking to engage with you. Now the question is... How do I make my posts stand out from everyone else's????

Personally, yes I am looking very much for this. This is a change that I'm actually looking forward to as it looks uncluttered, clean and simple. I was always against the changes that Facebook made - I resisted the timeline change to the absolute end where I was forced to change. I accept the fact that technology is always changing, and in order to evolve ourselves we have to accept change. So I welcome you "New Facebook" with open arms.


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