Monday, 4 March 2013

Twitter advertising coming to New Zelaand

While Twitter has not seen the pick-up in New Zealand that it has from other countries, it has still proven itself as a useful social media for brands to reach their customers. Brands such as Burger Fuel and Hell Pizza have built loyal followings that outnumber the likes of McDonalds and KFC.

But as a brand, how do you build a loyal following? The nature of a Twitter means that a tweet has a very short life span, much shorter than a facebook post, making it difficult to organically grow followers. Engaging tweets and competitions definitely does help, however can be a tough slog when it comes to acquiring new followers.

Another solution will soon be here. After being available in countries such as North America, UK and Japan, New Zealand will soon be able to advertise on Twitter, through promotion advertising.

Promoted accounts focuses on growing your following, much the same way that a Facebook sponsored brand story works; by advertising your brand page/account.

Promoted trends encourages users to tweet about your topic as it appears on their home page e.g. a brand that wants to create a lot of talkability around a new product may choose to do this to drive discussion.

Promoted tweets works in conjunction with an organic tweet to ensure the tweet is seen by a larger audience, therefore increasing awareness.

While still to go live, these advertising options look to open up Twitter a lot more in New Zealand for brands.


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